Coldham Hall Sailing Club Membership

Coldham Hall Sailing Club warmly welcomes new members

The Club is situated adjacent to Coldham Hall Tavern and enjoys the riverside facilities provided therein

The Pub at Coldham Hall

Coldham Hall is situated on the Yare and offers moorings to the many holidaycraft which now frequent the Southern Broadland Rivers during the holiday season. CHSC members have always enjoyed a friendly relationship with the landlord. Indeed it was thanks to the landlord that the club began its activities in 1951. Winter evenings it is used for committee meetings and the AGM is traditionally held in the dining room, one year this proved to be a problem as the pub had caught fire, The fine thatched roof seen in the photograph is therefore a recent addition.

Provided by the Club is a locked Dinghy Park, Slipway and Winch,Clubhouse and Wet Moorings (subject to availability)

All within easy road access, ten minutes from the A47 Norwich Southern Bypass.


We aim:

to provide facilities, resources and opportunities for racing, cruising and leisure sailing

to promote the enjoyment that sailing provides in a friendly, safe and co-operative manner

to provide an element of competitive racing both within the Club and in conjunction with other nearby Clubs

Sailing Activities


Club racing every Sunday morning from May to October. Dinghies and half-decked keel boats, round the cans and down river courses as per the race programme. Cruisers down river, alternate Sundays.

Combined Events

Two Picnic Races


The Club has a newly formed Paddlesport section giving easy access to the river via the clubs excellant slipway.

Open Regatta

Held on the first weekend in May in conjunction with the Norwich Frostbites Sailing Club

Yare Navigation Race

Open to all River Cruisers,mid-September

Introduction to Sailing

The club runs a course of seven introductory sessions on Thursday evenings, theory and practice, throughout the summer, commencing in June, 6.30-8.00pm

Further information contact

David Taitt

01508 499315

Mob 07905 153172

Email David


Most racing is on a mixed handicap basis as members own a variety of boats. Predominant dinghies are Wayfarers (8) with a range of others, together with Yeomans (17) and River Cruisers (4).
The Club owns two Wayfarer Dinghies and a Comet Dinghy, which are available for use by approved members.
Click here for further information

Members are free to sail and use the Club facilities any day of the week

Social Events

The social committee usually organise two or three events in the nature of talks or films in the January to March period, the Rigging-Out Supper in April, the Barbecue in June, and the Prize-Giving Dinner in the winter months.

Membership Subscriptions and Fees

Juniors (under 18) NO Charge (only available within a family members membership)

Single £100 (A person over the age of eighteen)

Family £120 (Two spouses civil or domestic partners together with any children of either such adult member
under eighteen years of age at the commencement of the membership year)

Introductory £100 (Single membership for the purposes of the try sailing programme)

Social £25 (A person who wishes to be accociated with the Club for social purposes)

Paddle Member Single £50

Paddle Member Family £60

Dinghy Park £110

Cruiser Mooring £395

Half-decker Mooring £340

Canoe, Kayak, Topper Paddleboard £45

Trailer Storage £50